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Welcome VeriData Customers!
Great Things Are Coming Your Way In 2022. 

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VeriData is now part of MyHRScreens.

With this change comes many improvements including:


  • Improved Accuracy

  • Personal Customer Service 

  • Faster Turnaround Time

  • PaperlessProcess


  • Seamless And Secure Software Platform


  • Your Pricing and Process Remain The Same





















We Can't Wait To Show You Around! 

During this transition, you will have received a series of emails with information and instructions.

If you have not received these click here. 


How is MyHRScreens Better? 

MyHRScreens’ open platform API allows us to integrate seamlessly with many of the major applicant tracking systems (ATSs). These numerous integrations allow us to perform a wide variety of employee screenings in an efficient manner with fast turnaround times.


Not All Screens are Created Equal

MyHRScreens provides a streamlined online employment screening solution that provides easy and efficient ordering backed by best in class customer support. With your online screening platform you can order screenings 24/7 and have access to your historical screenings at your fingertips.

We also provide you the flexibility to invite your new hires to fill out their background check information and provide authorization directly in the system. This alleviates the burden of you having to enter their information.






How To Order Your Screening Service



Click HERE.


FAQ About
This New


Click HERE.

Click here to contact us. 

© 2024  MyHRScreens                                                                                                                                               


401 Legacy Park  Drive,  Suite B      Ridgeland, MS  39157.     1-866-899-8970




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