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myHRscreens Expert

MyHRBuzz Podcast: Discussing Senior Living Industry Background Checks in Depth

In this episode, Chris and Kim talk with our guest Suzy Hansmann, Sr. Vice President of Human Resources at Grace Management, Inc. about the importance of using the right process for background checks in the Senior Living industry.


2:39 What is the benefit of a comprehensive background check for the senior living industry?

3:44 Suzy discusses the specific screening tests she chooses and why.

5:26 How to operate within state mandated requirements, and why it is important to add a Federal check as well.

7:40 FBI fingerprints. Why they can't be the only background check you run.

10:20 Why it is important to partner with your screening company to benefit more.

12:38 The importance of easy background screening technology while hiring times are tough!

Contact or schedule an appointment to discuss your screening needs!


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